I am in Monrovia, Liberia and I met Isiko – in Texas, USA – on DiasporaMeets. I was trying to get to USA and he is looking to get the hell away from USA LOL! We began talking and got to know one another and the process went so well without the distraction of being physical. And we WILL be getting REEEEEEEALLY physical LOL. We already have two babies in the plan, the most High and the Ancestors say the same. We could actually talk until we both took the “Representative” off the table and just be ourselves. It is still a journey, though, because we are building our marriage based on our love fueling the business he owns and is currently expanding into West Africa.
So, I jumped on the DM and really was just poking around on the net not expecting too much of anything. Being a Foundational Black American who is conscious enough to want a Black woman but not too thrilled about the pickings in the USA, I started looking across the Atlantic, and Brothers… Let me tell you a secret… While there’s beautiful women all over the world, you would be foolish not to consider Africa. Now. I’m just gon’ put that right here…
One of my best friends put me up on the DM and I am trying to get my ass away from the US over to Liberia, West Africa where there’s a thoughtful, fit, fine, feminine, beautiful, and inspirational woman for me. Not only that. There’s so much opportunity in my profession and for me, a fresh start without the feeling of being trapped in a glass box, is all I could ever ask for. Besides the woman LOL. I’m coming, Annie. I’m coming. I ain’t nothing but the Atlantic Ocean….
Collaboratively coordinate premier partnerships rather than empowered supply chains. Phosfluorescently matrix stand-alone e-business before 24/7 portals.
Holisticly re-engineer covalent e-services with reliable platforms. Globally re-engineer web-enabled functionalities without go forward results. Energistically expedite go forward networks before enterprise information.